I've been toying with the idea of extending my totally annoying tendency to tell everyone the price of everything I've ever bought here..and so...deal of the week has been born. I figure it can be anything, a rad grocery coupon, cool thrift store find..whatever. Found this gem today at my favorite place St Vincent DePaul thrift store here on the west side. B.J. and I had to skip our movie watching the other night due to a missing remote. Heres my solution, a pretty box to store them in and it cost...drum roll please....$1.95! WOOHOOO
p.s. I am well aware that Wednesday is quite early in the week to definitively lay the smack down on the best deal of the whole week. I suppose next time, and from here on out I'll probably try to do this on a Monday recapping the previous week, but I was so excited about my find and my genius idea (so what if a bazillion other bloggers beat me to the punch on this one) I just couldn't wait..ha!
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