Friday, April 8, 2011

like a car crash

 I am usually good at looking away. today I failed. This not one of my usual cheerful posts but this is my blog and I'll write whatever I want damn it.

Confession- I searched the name of somebody who betrayed me to the core and a page for her birthday party showed up. I looked at it and despite knowing better couldn't help but think the list of people attending is  a whole bunch of people who hate me...I am well aware of how ugly and stupid this is..I know I know...
This is NOT a cry for help but rather just a real, honest moment of slipping into the pitfalls of betrayal.
Life is good. I have no reason to do this but still, every once in awhile I feel compelled to pop in and look. It's so easy. I shouldn't, but I do. It's reality, It's me being imperfect and vulnerable.

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